Mince on Stilts - An Ocean Held Me (#42)

Mince on Stilts - An Ocean Held Me (#42)

This month we thought we'd hand the wordsmithing over to the artists and Benjamin has kindly put pen to paper. Enjoy!


Kia ora te Whānau,

My name is Benjamin. I play in a Tāmaki Makaurau based collective called Mice on Stilts.

I’ve had the pleasure of being the singer and songwriter for this band for the last 15 or so years. We are thrilled that Restless Soul are putting this out to you as part of their subscription. What you hold in your hand is our first album called An Ocean Held Me.

This album is an accumulation of stories throughout my teenage years and early twenties. Primarily it is my way of trying to process some trauma, that’s always been my ambition with my contribution to the group, my thoughts and feelings, as well as making sense of the world, and how I can fit into it. An Ocean Held Me was really the first thing I really achieved in life at that time, which is why it means to so much to me. Prior to that I had flunked school, gotten into trouble with the police a bunch, and spent my days asleep on the couch. Writing songs, learning to sing, starting a band, playing shows, meeting other bands... this was all new to me and what an awesome experience it has been.

Since this release we have put out two more albums. The second one Hope for a Mourning is an expanded version of this sound, a bit darker and more orchestral. The latest one I Am Proud of You is more like a folk album.

We are still a band but we only really play one or two shows a year. My partner and I have just had our first child, she’s 7 weeks old and I love her more than I thought I could. Charlie has a few kids too. Its really nice being in the same band after so long, there have been so many line up changes but we are all great friends.

Again, thank you so much for hanging out with us. We’re on the social medias if you want to come say hi.


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